Painting oak with ammonia vapor.

 Finished oak products or projects that contain oak are placed in a bucket, container or plastic bag. A jar of ammonia is lowered to the bottom, 10-15 liters of 20-30 grams of ammonia liquid, bought at a pharmacy. And at night closes tightly, if not enough (adjust the color), for a day. The smell disappears without a trace.
Ammonia fumes highlight the texture of the oak. Ammonia vapors do not affect other types of wood. The old method of our grandfathers. 

Sasha. - Life is not a draft, you can't redo it tomorrow

Interesting process, and some good information.

Main Street to the Mountains

great technique.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

...and beautiful results!

Incredible how the oldies had methods we'd never dream of... nowadays most modern woodies wear rubber gloves just to wash their hands and never dream of handling amonia.

Unfortunately amonia (chemists) are plentiful in Aussieland... but oak can only be found in gift shops in the form of lucky charm acorns.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Nice job. I've fumed cherry before and it also reacts to ammonia.

.................. John D....................

 Nice job. I've fumed cherry before and it also reacts to ammonia. 
Photo saved??? My cherry is drying

Sasha. - Life is not a draft, you can't redo it tomorrow

Nice looking bowls/platters Ganchik, Good way to show that wood selection is only half the final look, a finish or technique can drastically alter the other 50%.

 I'm a big fan of ammonia fuming, lots of variations can be had. White oak gets that nice rich brown, red oak will get a greenish cast. Cherry tends to go brown/grey. Any wood with high enough tannin content will darken, but the neat thing is you never know what you get until you fume and apply a finish.

My favorite source for ammonia is the 10% "Janitorial Strength" from Ace hardware, about $5/gallon and plenty strong to turn some prime white oak into a chocolate brown after 6-10 hours.
Thanks for sharing it is one technique that many folks don't know about.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Used in a lot of churches and other old buildings.