Laser Plexiglas ????

I am going to purchase a Laser engraver and would like to engrave Plexiglas.  Is this possible and how difficult?

10 Replies

i never tryed it yet but if you can wait till weekend i will give it a try 😎👍


Generally speaking, I don't think lasers play well with transparent or reflective materials.  But I have seen where people put a layer of painter's tape on glass and etch onto the tape and it carries through and etches the glass beneath.
There’s a spray on coating that is used to etch glass with a laser. I forget what it’s called but (I believe) it’s a dark color and helps absorb and focus the heat to etch properly. I’m sure you can find info about it online. Maybe it’ll work on plexi too?

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Not sure how other lasers will perform, however, here are some samples from mine.  I use plexi with the protective film on both sides.... cutting is crystal clear with no "whiteing".

A set square I tried a while back after being inspired by DT's on the other site,
initially the markigs were clear, however, a log got lost when "glueing" the two halves together... engraved/etched on the inside...

Bench dog bushings... they are 25mm OD and 20mm ID,

values engraved were the dimensions used by the laser to cut... allowance for the laser kerf.

5th. Pig
puzzle measuring 75mm x 53mm x 2 layers of acrylic mm,

Pandora's Box puzzle, 73mm x 73mm x 49mm, with top layer of acrylic with engraved numbers,

If the film is missing from the acrylic, I use this special laser engravers tape,

Don't ask me about other alternatives as I haven't tried any.

This picture clearly shows the transparency of the laser cut through 6mm acrylic,

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Thanks LBD for the info and examples.
Can you use print making ink while using a laser?
LBD, yours looks like a CO2 laser?  

That's an important piece of clarification... Most diode lasers will need something additional as a backer or substrate to cut/etc clear acrylic, like Kenny said.  But CO2 lasers can do it fine.  Of note, cast acrylic will do better than extruded

Also, be sure you understand the safety aspects of a laser when it comes to their fumes, especially with acrylic.

 replied 6 minutes ago
LBD, yours looks like a CO2 laser?  

That's an important piece of clarification... Most diode lasers will need something additional as a backer or substrate to cut/etc clear acrylic, like Kenny said.  But CO2 lasers can do it fine.  Of note, cast acrylic will do better than extruded

Also, be sure you understand the safety aspects of a laser when it comes to their fumes, especially with acrylic.

Mossie, I bought the unit for my daughter.... that seems to fade into oblivion as I didn't adhere to directions/doco.

I don't breathe regularly, I just dream dirty... doctors have a go at me for that... so what I have is a figment of what I read about... and I don't read.
I had no idea what I have (can't bend over comfortably) though its nice to know it's a Co2... salesmen back in 2010 were shiftier than me.

That's why, whenever I crap on. I tend to say I have the Speedy 100, so people in the know , may realise what I'm crapping on about.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

I have no idea what that shit above is.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD