In memoriam ?

recently some have posted about members that have sadly passed. i was a big advocate for getting the memoriam on lj's reinstated. i talked to martin about possibly adding that here also. he's all for it and asked who i knew about that should be included. so im asking all of you to post here who you know about. id say include not just the members here but also ones from lj's as most of us have friends there that never joined us here. once we get some good feed back ill compile a list for martin. we need never forget all those that contributed so much to our knowledge and enjoyment over the years. thank you all.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

55 Replies

here are the ones i can think of.
stefang or mike40 here
charles neil

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

It classic - someone asks for me to remember something and I come up blank...

That's a good start though
Are you going to have them in an alphabetical list somewhere that people can view and don't start submitting duplicates?

"Duck and Bob would be out doin some farming with funny hats on." chrisstef

martin will set up a forum for it probably similar to the way he did it on lj's ? right now he just asked if i could give him some names to get it started. hopefully members here can add to the list i posted.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Poa (Jon) was a walking book of knowledge when it came to vintage miter boxes.  Both in terms of history and knowing how to use them.  He was also exceptionally generous with his time, knowledge and spare parts.  Anybody who frequented the Miter Box of Your Dreams thread on LJs will know him well. 

You got DrSurfrat.  I got to know him very well over the last year or two of his life.  He is very missed both online and off.  He was a theoretical physicist, a devout catholic, a doting father of two little girls and went from being extremely active to passing from cancer in a matter of a couple of months.  Probably in his late 30s leaving two little girls not even old enough to drive.  When he first got sick, he said he wanted to turn a vase for a friend but couldn't find any stock.  So I cut him a blank of Cherry and sent it on the way that day.  Over the course of two weeks he found the strength to get it mounted between centers and sent me a pic because he didn't want me to think he wasn't going to use it.  His wife contacted me when he died and told me it was still on the lathe unturned :-(  Cancer is an asshole.
thats very sad kenny. not the way a woodworker or anyone should pass. didn't know Poa though.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

I don’t think Jon ever visited any thread on LJs other than the miter box thread Larry so if you didn’t frequent that one, you wouldn’t.
There is a pretty good list in the In Memoriam forum on LJs.

“Fake quotes will ruin the internet” — Benjamin Franklin

chuck just tell me who youd like included. after a week or so ill give a complete list to martin.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

That list resides here. I can click it without signing in, and there it is.

Near the top was a guy from Poland, who I always thought was Canadian, go figure. He went by Niki. I've been online at woodworking forums for over 30 years, and Niki was always there too. I saw tips, and set ups he posted that changed some of my set ups over the years. He was all over the place, and you could go to most any forum, and he had stuff there. It was before You Tube was a thing, and sometimes he did have video, but usually just splendid pic posts. Any time I saw he had posted something I took the time to read it.

Seeing that so many of the lurkers on You Tube are just hacks who steal other peoples posts, and make like it's theirs, Niki's work went far and wide. If folks just stuck with what they actually contributed, I believe in a different time Niki would have owned You Tube woodworking. May he RIP.

Then there was Charles Neil, he contributed a lot to forums, and You tube,
george i know about that list, but i dont think we wanna just import it here. it's more about who we want to remember for what they did to help create craftisian.. id say many here dont even know who most of those guys are. so tell me who youd like to see in "our" memoriam. the ones i listed were people who i knew. most of those on that list never did anything here. but if you want some of those on ours id say thats fine. i mean martin created the original memoriam on LJ'S !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

My wife and I both still miss Steve. He connected with my wife on GardenTenders and me on LJs. In August of 2011, Steve was traveling in the US. He stopped by for a visit and some blueberry pie. We joked that he brought an uninvited guest. The name of that guest was Irene - hurricane Irene. I remember running around in my workshop with Steve trying to get something under all the leaks that were coming through the old barn roof.

Steve was a wonderful man. He is sorely missed.

Arthur Rollins:
I became friends with Arthur and his wife after he asked for some replacement parts for a drill.  I had that same drill but it had died, so I sent it to Arthur for parts.  We exchanged Christmas cards and he sent me one of his whirligigs.  Then in one of the Christmas cards, his wife told be that Arthur had died - very sad.

“Fake quotes will ruin the internet” — Benjamin Franklin

now thats what we want chuck, people that have meaning in our lives ! yeah i could tell martin to just copy LJ'S list, but what meaning would that have to most here. people give me more names of those  who meant something to you either here or on LJ'S ! thanks chuck !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Rick is on that same list as Topa we just stopped hearing from him and nothing for a long time
sadly many have passed and will pass and we'll never know their fate ! to be honest ive been dead for a few years but thanks to AI i can still be with you all and piss people off. 😁

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Larry, will you include Don Schneider aka Porchfish in the list.  July 16, 2021
to be honest ive been dead for a few years but thanks to AI i can still be with you all and piss people off. 😁

Hey if it works on Pennsylvania Ave, I don't see why it wouldn't work here.  You don't even have to worry about stairs here.

 Recycle 1943
 replied about 2 hours ago
Larry, will you include Don Schneider aka Porchfish in the list.  July 16, 2021
absolutely dick. glad to see you.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Larry, Chuck referred to the list that seems to be a terrible thing to you. I simply posted it, thinking some felt it was unreachable.

I do hope you add Niki, and Charles Neil though, both impacted me greatly.

Sorry if I added stress to your life, didn't mean to. It's only a website after all, you are giving it too much power.
I see your point about only adding those that have been part of this site pottz.  The others are memorialized where they were active.  Makes good sense to me!