This is a present I made for friend that needed a holder/knife block for two knifes ( PIC 4 )that would fit into a drawer .
I was not shooting for an ornamental board that would almost be a shame to use but a practical solution for every day use and it worked out to be a very practical design that I will have make again as there are several requests .
I expanded the idea a little by making the knife block larger so it could hold four knifes and also made a cutting board with a socket that matches the tennon on the knife block .
This combination allows him to have the combination on the counter when in use and also allows him to store both in a drawer and the socket acts as a handle when cleaning the cutting board .
The socket has a stainless pin imbedded which matches the tennon indent on the knife block holding the knife block in place there are 4 feet abut 1" high to allow for the board to be picked up easily .
This turned out to be a big surprise at CHRISTMAS for my friend and it works great for him as his apartment kitchen is rather small .
I used hard maple for this and used TIETBOND III for glue .

Cool Idea Klaus.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Very nice! I like the mortise idea for the knife block.

I agree with everyone else, a nice step away from the mitered corners :)

Randy - If I'm not on the computer than I'm out making sawdust.