Here is the new diamond and pyramid cutting jig which is a lot easier to set up and operate and therefor quicker .
I am just starting on a box project for our guild to donate to some less fortunate children and I have to speed things up a little to get them done in time and this is part of the reason to make this jig .
Here are a few pictures that should explain the jig and I also posted a video which shows the jig in use

Have to get back to the shop .


— Kiefer 松

Pretty neat!

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Another great creation Klaus.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Smart jig Klaus. While you were cutting with the 90’ jig thought came to me that you could make diamonds with a 45’ jig, but of course you were way ahead of me (as usual).

I’m taking my car in for annual service next month and I intend to ask them if they have and old timing belts I might have. They seem so useful and I note that you use them for just about every jig or holding device you design and with total success.

Also my compliments on using your time to produce quality products for charity. I’m sure they will be cherished by the recipients.

Mike, an American living in Norway

Looks good so does the sand and grass between the pryamids banter need to be revived!

Regards Rob