I was at a tool store a while ago and saw these five packs of 15” x39.5” belts on sale $10 29 for a pack of five so I grabbed a pack but had no idea what I would use them for ,lucky me .

This is my version of a sander to flatten down boxes after the lid and bottom have been separated and also to level the feet if the box has a rock too it .
Well a piece of 3/4” MDF cut to fit the belt over and another piece of 1/4” pre finished MDF to go between the belt and the 3/4” MDF to tension the belt and have it nice and flat end to end .
The is cloth back which makes it much tougher then paper back and I can use both sides .

To hold the sander in place I drilled a couple of 1” holes and clamped to my work /router table using the vise and a couple of round bench dogs ,nice and solid .
While I was at it I made a little holder to keep my bench dogs handy on the side of the table .
This is much nicer then the board I had before with two sheets of sandpaper stuck to it and stores on the wall just nice but set up in seconds and another useful addition to my little work centre .

— Kiefer 松

Very nice Klaus!

I’m about to build the very same thing, only I didn’t get the same good deal that you did, I just ordered a 17″ × 54″ belt from Kingspore, it’s on it’s way, I’m going with the same foundation your are using as well.

Randy - If I'm not on the computer than I'm out making sawdust.

An excellent idea and jt looks like you have plenty of room to sand almost anything. 39.5 " is quite large.

Larry C

Good job, excellent idea. I have noticed the best ideas come from a need with something not necessarily available commercially.


Great price Klaus. I use my flat sander quite a lot for a many different things. Every woodworker should have one.

Mike, an American living in Norway

Good idea Klaus

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Good find, great use.

Losing fingers since 1969

Great idea ! Thanks for sharing.