Equestrian Tack Locker


Can’t remember if I posted this or not …. so I apologize if this is a repeat.

The Cabinet:

  • 2 Quilt bars
  • 1 Saddle rack
  • 1 Continuous hinge cabinet for riding helmet
  • 1 Grooming tray that stores conveniently under the helmet cabinet for easy access.
  • 1 Open space under grooming tray for storage.
  • 2 Deep drawers (60/40)
  • 1 7/8" solid oak top
  • 4 4" casters*

The Door:

  • 2 Bridle hooks
  • 6" Riding crop storage control
  • Polo shelves
  • 1 Shallow shelf
  • 1 Deep shelf
  • 1 4" caster for easy operation
  • 1 Key entry latch


Oops ….. forgot to mention the custom trim too.

Wow this is an impressive tack locker ,great job.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Very nice! I know two ladies who would love one of these. Would you be willing to share the plans?

You never learn anything by doing it right. You only learn that you didn't screw it up.

I think you did post it before but it’s worth looking at twice!

Losing fingers since 1969

That is sharp and well thought out.

Randy - If I'm not on the computer than I'm out making sawdust.

Beautiful cabinet, well done.


Very nice. Would it be possible to see a pic with it full of tac gear?

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Thank you all for your comments, I truly had a wonderful time making this piece.

@ Thorreain: I’ll have to check with the owner, but I “think” I may be able to swing a photo (it may take some time though).

Thanks again for all the comments. Sometimes woodworking on larger pieces from a wheelchair can be a little daunting, even for the those of us who love the smell of sawdust. LoL

@ GlenPye …. as far as “plans” are concerned, I took an existing set of plans (customer purchased online I believe) and made changes to it to make it my my own.

It shouldn’t be too difficult for me to make a PDF I guess. Feel free to contact me if you’re interested.

Anthony, If your customer is ok with it, I wold love a PDF.

You never learn anything by doing it right. You only learn that you didn't screw it up.

Great job! I know they will love it.

This is great! Yes, I am one of the ladies who would love that! I’m addicted to being organized and this beautiful locker would do the trick. Awesome job!

Amor Vincit Omnia

I would like to get the plans. My wife liked the look and said “get at it”. Thank you.

And I am thinking of so many uses for this (or a variation of)

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Do you have more pictures/plans?

Can I get a copy of the plans too?