Beer Stool (not Barstool!)

Okay I'm hoping this works! I haven't been slacking but I had issues since this is my first project to post (with lots more to come if this actually shows up!)
2023 BeerBQ - I couldn't say no and as the weather gets worse I hope to have more time to play on Craftisian...
I was fortunate enough to get Nathan/Lazyman as I have been talking to him for a few years on another forum and I consider him a friend. As a fellow CNCer, I thought I should come up with something that takes advantages of as many of my toys as possible. The stool seemed like a good place to start.
The beer bottle legs are somewhat larger than your average beer (takes me back to playing foosball for quart bottles during my college days...). They gave me an opportunity to use my newest acquisition from my CNC guru - a custom-built rotary (AKA the Beast) with a 12" diameter by roughly 50" length capacity. The top of the stool just screamed bottle cap to me so I used my Camaster Stinger (25" x 36" x 5") to carve that out of a nice piece of scrap maple (my buddy Bill makes a lot of furniture and gifts me all his scrap). And finally, I fired up the Epilog laser engrave to brand the stool with a design I put together. The great thing about swaps is the opportunity to try new things and push yourself!
For the beers I bought all UP (they call us Yoopers) brewed beers but no one sells singles up here so I had to buy quite a bit of it to make this work. Unfortunately, due to evaporation, only 8 of them made it into the box for Nathan. I did remember the letter but as I was driving home from UPS, I realized that I had forgotten to put the ice packs in the box... Ooops! I'm old! I forget stuff... I'll make it up to him later!


Yooper with a Drawl


This beer stool has to be one of the most creative beer swap projects. Nice job!
 Mike always comes up with great ideas for the swaps.   As the recipient I will say that this is a really cool little stool.    It would also work as small table next to a patio chair for a place to set your beer while you eat your BBQ but this will probably wind up in my shop to use when I want to get low to the ground but not kneel on it, such as when I am putting a new bandsaw blade and need get down low to adjust the lower guides.  

I've only had two of the beers so far and they were good drinking beers.   I plan to try the Porter you sent next.  It's always fun to try new beers that I cannot get where I live.  

Thanks for a well imagined and executed project and especially for the beers.  BTW. the insulation you put in the box seemed to keep them relatively cool, even when they got down here to our 100°+ Texas heat.  

--Nathan, TX. Hire the lazy man. He may not do as much work but that's because he will find a better way.

That is a very cool stool Mike, the bottle cap almost looks real.

"Duck and Bob would be out doin some farming with funny hats on." chrisstef

This is the coolest beer swap project I've seen yet. So clever!

.................. John D....................

Been waiting for this to show up as a project!

Very unique!, at first show I though it used actual bottles since the scale wasn't obvious.
You have an impressive wood factory as well 🤠👍.

The seat seems like something a bar would love to have, plenty of room for any form of logo.
Could even do a cow for the small farm dairy milkers to use.
thats gotta be the most original coolest swap project ever. 

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

That looks so cool, truly great idea and build
a creative product with nice color combination! The stool looks so sturdy so if it tips over, it must mean the user drinks too much beer!

No name noobie here

Thanks for all the great comments (undeserved but nice!). I'm sorry for taking so long to get it posted but it has been a bit crazy on the work side for the last couple of days. Now that I seem to have figured out how to post I'll have to make an effort to bring everyone up to speed on what I have been doing. Sold one house in town so that will free up my schedule a little - and my pocketbook will be happier too! I was concerned about sturdiness so I added the dowels between the bottles. It is pretty firm now!
Looking forward to a tasting session tonight and will post score sheets when I get them ready.
My friend in Tucker, GA orders meat on the internet (Butcher Box) so gets those great insulated boxes every month. She send me a bunch of computer stuff in one to protect it from damage. Worked really good and apparently, even shipping all the way to Texas, the beer was OK. I still can't believe I forgot the icepacks... 


Yooper with a Drawl

Mike, I like this stool quite a bit. A sturdy example of a real stool, but made with your wit, and eye for detail.

I've made several milking stools over the years, and it's almost perfect for that, but way more classy than anything I ever created.
Really a great project.   Lots of good imagination and execution.    Well done


That is really cool from top to bottom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ye olde beer stool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

George - You are too humble!
Ron and Jim - Thanks guys! Much appreciated! I'll try to keep up with the forum better now that the cold weather is moving in... (Yes, Jim - Winter is coming to the UP!)


Yooper with a Drawl

SO cool...the coolest ever!!


Too funny with the bottle cap seat and beer bottle legs (sounds like a description of some people I know- but not here). Does the seat have a bottle opener on the bottom? 

Steven- Random Orbital Nailer

Thank you Ivan! Much appreciated...
Dark_Lightning - What a great idea! All future models will include that feature for sure!


Yooper with a Drawl

I finally found a bottle opener for it.

--Nathan, TX. Hire the lazy man. He may not do as much work but that's because he will find a better way.

Photo looks fake, where did you find that really tiny guy to hold that opener? 😬

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