Snakenstein Puzzle Box

This was a fun one of a kind.

Nothing quite like finding an already beautiful box to retrofit!  I think everyone recognizes this box as likely being made in India or Indonesia, either way I was stoked!

I have been building puzzle boxes for about 15 years now and over the years you tend to collect a lot of extra parts that get produced as a safety net, but now what?

I thought it would be fun to include pre-existing parts from 15 past projects to make one new puzzle, I called it Snakenstein!

I included a few pics because it is just too busy to really see what is going on, and its just fun to look at.

A particular challenge here is to hide the key in a cool way, which after a few careful moves will allow the key to pop out the bottom.  You would like to hope it was that easy, but nope, all the dials, knobs, levers all do something, and in some case it takes the action of more then one actuator to make the effect.  In a small space under the base you might be able to make out a tiny key peeking out, ya, that one is the distractor, lol.

I am not evil, I swear people actually like this kind of thing, lol.

Thanks for looking guys!

~ Mystery by Design ~


WOW kel your a crazy man !!!! i mean that in a good way !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Haha, thanks pottz

~ Mystery by Design ~

I think this is one of your best ones, very cool box. Ok, not evil just devious.

Main Street to the Mountains

Beautiful box, and I like looking at your products, but I'd be like Alexander with the Gordian Knot, getting it open. My puzzle solving skills lie in a different area.

Steven- Random Orbital Nailer

Ha, you guys rock!  Thanks!

~ Mystery by Design ~

You're a very very bad man Kel! 8^)

Great way to keep the retirement village population quiet for the afternoon!
Retirement Village, I would use it for the kids.

Main Street to the Mountains

Wow - I would need a video tutorial!
Thanks Guys, oh yes Eric, I make ones for kids where it stores a treat in it.  Great for grandkids, lol, they kinda line up for it to try again on each visit.  I will have to post that one too!

BB1 - Yes I did have to make a video for the customer, just too complex for words and pictures apparently.  ; )

~ Mystery by Design ~

Very neat! I can't imagine how frustrating this could get trying to figure it out. Do you have to manually "reset" it each time you open it?
Thanks guys, yes in this case you would have to to the operations in reverse to reset.  

~ Mystery by Design ~