Pokemon Storage Box

This was a gift for my 6 year old grandson last Christmas. He asked for a box to hold is collection of Pokemon card decks.
Naturally, I had dress it up a bit. The box holds 12 decks.

The decks come with “coins” about the size of poker chips. They are stored in the holder in the upper left of the previous shot. There are some other smaller pieces stored under this holder.
I have a few pictures of the construction. The box construction was fairly straightforward. It’s not easy to see but the ends are made up of two pieces. The lower piece matches the height of the dividers and side walls. A 2nd piece makes the ends full height and caps the center divider.
The next set of shots describes making the lids. First, I formed the details for the center circle. This template allowed me to form a circular recess at the edge of one lid half.
I used my router with a guide bearing to form the pocket.

I then cut away the top to the centerline of the pocket.

I did the same for the second lid, but removed material from the bottom. The two lid halves were then placed in a jig to lock them together.

Next, circle templates were made. I used a trammel jig I made several years ago. It uses a part from a Craftsman trammel for the center pin.

The first template is for the outer diameter.

Then 3 inserts are made to fit. I used these to cut the other circles. By setting inserts into the outer circle I could ensure all circles were concentric.

I used a smaller circle to support my trim router while I formed the outer diameter.

Wenge pieces were fitted to the outer circle.

The next template allowed me to trim the inner diameter of the wenge. Holly and bloodwood pieces were then fitted against that circle. A strip of wenge can be seen along the bottom edge of these inserts.

The next smaller circle is cut and another set of wenge pieces are fitted. (No pictures of that step) Finally the inner circle can be routed out.

And a piece of holly is fitted in place.

Piano hinges were cut to length.
And screwed into place.
I used a steel screw to form the threads.
And wax on the brass threads.
The sides and the top were shaped into curves. I used layout lines to create facets and the sanded to create a fair curve. The top was  first.

Then the sides.

A roundover from the top to the sides was made the same way.

I used a water based polyurethane for finish. The box measures 4 ¾”x7”x9 3/8” (120mm x 175mm x 238mm).
When I built this, my grandson and his dad thought a capacity of 12 deck would be plenty. It took less than a year for a request for another box! I’m going to do an expansion box that fits below this one rather than create a duplicate.


He has a wonderful Granddad!

That's a great box, and I really like your detailed description of your build process.

“Fake quotes will ruin the internet” — Benjamin Franklin

nice work grandpa.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Thanks guys! The trick with the build description is remembering to take the dang pictures! This time I had enough.
How perfect!  I have 3 pokemon collectors :-) Too late for Christmas this year but I see birthday presents in 2023! 
Thanks Ken - if you want any extra details let me know. My other sons told their nephew that he had the nicest pokemon box in the world. That may be a temporary title :)
Really nice detail I work. I love boxes with dime soon like those curves. Lots of extra work, but it does so much to enhance the end result. Well done!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Great gift...as evidenced by the request for another!
Thanks Barb! Actually I think the request was more driven by his growing card collection. But he asked for more storage and that's what he'll get :)
That's a fantastic box, Steve! I really like the logo and the contoured lids and ends.

I remember my son being big into Pokemon when he was a kid. We used to take him to a bookstore that had regularly scheduled swaps. If he had walked into those sessions with a box like this, he'd have been treated like a king.