
Now that all of the main chair components are fitted (minus the free-floating backrest), I can begin shaping the pieces to their final form.  I sta...
[Note: I am in a process of moving from Lumberjocks, this a blog series I started in 2014] This blog describes the long process of designing and ma...
With the mortises complete, I put a 1/8" edge round-over on most of the parts and sanded them all smooth.  It's easier to get this done prior to as...
The secondary stretchers separate the main front and back stretchers and complete the seat frame.  The next step in the project is to get those sec...
Most of the pressure-treated scraps from my deck skirting project were pretty narrow - around 1-1/8" wide.  Most of the blanks needed for the chair...
While the edges of the backrest parts were still square, I cut the mortises for the dominos.  Ganging the rails together made a self-supporting str...
This step is out of order compared to the actual sequence of the build, but it seemed to make sense to present it now.  The back receives a set of ...
As with the other replica chairs I've made, it requires spending quite a bit of time looking at example photos from different angles in order to ma...
Simultaneously aligning all 4 components of a side assembly gave me fits.  Very slight errors in length and/or angles meant that as I sequentially ...
My last pair of blanks are for the armrests.  I started by planing them down to 5/8" thick, which is the final thickness for rear of the armrest.  ...
I completed the remaining stretcher mortises in the two pair of front legs and trimmed the outline on the test stretcher.    [20241124-IMG_9577.jpg...
With all the tenons cut on the stretcher blanks, I used a router template to cut them to final shape.  I used the test front stretcher as my templa...