Craftisian Blogs

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Boys and Girls,   If this topic gets your juices flowing, after watching this video, the title may be on your lips as the included link at Taylor...
I got a couple chunks of 4”+ thick pine, roughly 20” wide and 5’ and 4’ long from my trip to MN. [IMG_7202.jpeg] Milling that into pieces my tool...
Boys and Girls,   I was recently asked by a friend of how I cut the thread in my sanding disc(s) that I use on my lathe [IMG_9333.png] [
[image.png] In 2019 I made a forklift and today Acutabove started a YouTube serie about making this forklift.
Boys and Girls,   Sometimes the most obvious is not so, especially when you are a relatively newcomer to the world of woodworking.   Thicknessers (...
The Sea-N-Sea clamps worked great, but they had some downsides: • Multi-part assembly - not complicated, but they take time to knock out. • With th...
Boys and Girls,   I get a load of flack from all but the tree huggers (they’re the greenies who think Ryobi and Fe$tool are organic due to their co...
Well, finished without finish, but structurally complete.  Here's the completed chair next to the deck skirting from whence it came. [20221016-1G6X...
Boys and girls, The Boys started to prattle on about keyless locks on pottz patio and garden I thought that rather than add my bit of BS there, I...
OK, so I needed to make a box for the rounding plane, as I seem to have run out of flat surfaces to dump stuff on. Nothing fancy, just a basic box....
Boys and Girls,   While this topic is primarily cetered around a MFT style bench top, some of it's concepts could be adapted for those mongrel 3/4"...
The Wegner chair has a pillow rail that fits into a channel at the top of each of the uprights.  The rail slides through a head pillow sleeve, and ...