Craftisian Blogs

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This interview, with Shin, is from October, 2015.   1. What is your “inspiration story” — where did your interest in woodworking all begin? I ...
So tonight I didn’t have much time to work with but got a good chunk done. The corner bracing was made from a template and rounding them all over. ...
Well that took a while…… Kerfing the front panel for the 2 matching corners was a pain but I think it will work quite well. I got the back panel wi...
Well it tool my long enough but all the other side projects I had on the go are about to wrap up so I can finally get back on to this build. Back i...
Wow! Been a while since I’ve posted. Not sure how long, but it’s been a while. It got hot, here in South Central Texas. That and my up and down ene...
I worked from home today and had a few free minutes so I painted the other side of the door. Yay. Paint is done. Then I demoed the old door and buc...
Theme: Bits & Pieces Show us your creations using those meticulously cut “bits and pieces” of wood and your marquetry and/or intarsia technique...
Today I caught a break. My wife had to go to the doctor so she was home to take care of the baby when I got home. That gave me a much needed extra ...
There is stuff you want to do, maybe need to do… And there are things you MUST DO and those things are called HONEYDO. I have such a stack of those...
Last week was shot (baby gets in the way of a lot of work) and last weekend I had honeydo stuff to do. I made some wonderful pate from chicken live...
Well I am finally going to build a cross cut sled. I have rounded up the hardware, made a dertimination of size, and glued runners to a piece of fl...