Craftisian Blogs

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I the days of old A casket could be made from 6 pieces of wood A coffin was made from 8 pieces of wood because the sides were made from 2 pieces of...
Our first “Creation Challenge” is provided by Thomas (thank-you very much, Thomas). More About The Spoon Why spoons? Last winter I had injured my k...
I am so excited to finally share some photos of the beautiful piece that Spider Johnson and I have been working on since June for the Texas Furnitu...
First off… I’m not a creative writer, I’m just going to put that out there. Debbie has asked me to put together a tutorial on how I create a wooden...
I started building a chevalet. I want to thank Paul (aka shipwright) and Mike for their help. Downloaded the Sketch up drawing made by Paul. Yester...
I started building a chevalet. I want to thank Paul (aka shipwright) and Mike for their help. Downloaded the Sketch up drawing made by Paul. Below ...
The Gazette is looking a little different this month. I’m trying something new. This month we are focusing on “The Wooden Spoon” and we have a chal...
This is not a step by step blog but just a bunch of picture for my buffet build. I did not systematically take pictures to have a complete blog wri...
First of many coats, this fit really take a few to get it where I want it with the ebony stain. 1st coat 2nd coat Oh and the Chardonnay panels are ...
Not a huge update but finally got the top on and all the sanding done. As well as cut and rounded over the port, mounted the crossover, ran wonder ...
I seem to have a knack for doing things backward. This time I cut the hinge mortises on the door upside down, meaning I thought the top was the bot...
I’ve been WW-ing almost 4- years and my first project was building infeed/outfeed ramps for my lunchbox planer. I built it on a 1/2 sheet of 3/4 pl...