Back in 2019 I was helping a friend extend a house and he needed a hand with the trusses we had about 8 trusses to fit to extend the roof line. however after fitting the first one we soon discovered they were the incorrect angle and height at the top. he was a little pissed off to say the least. So I set about doing some measurements and using greek calcs found the trusses should have been A. a height of 1225 B. a bottom cord of 3770 x 2 and, C. and the top cords an angle of 18 deg and length of 3964 x 2 .
What we had was A. a height of 1010 B. a bottom cord of 3770 x2 , and C. and the top cords an angle of 15 deg and length of 3903 x 2 so resulting in A. being 215 mm too short B. No change and, C. 62 mm too short. The correct Trusses were re manufactured and surprisingly nobody accepted responsibility for the error and the builder had to carry the cost believed to be in the area of AUD$1000s advance forward to Sep 2024 some 5 years later and I have a call from my friend saying he was going to dispose of the incorrect trusses he had been "lumbered" with and did I want them, being a skinflint and enjoying recycling timber I gladly accepted. So they arrived. Good thing I am single eh!
Standby for more "interesting" information on the RWRT Part 2, ... and beyond!
I wanted to continue with Pt 2 as I have had some really interesting info to share, but dont seem to be able to continue the Blog Anybody know how its done? for example:-
When you start a serie of blogs you first choose Create new series.
I don't know whether you enter a blog series title for part two or whether you can still include part 1 under that. Try it I would say. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Arr. I created a new series blog ... called it " In the beginning", transferred everything across from the RWRT blog thinking I would be a happy boy and tried to add part 2
wouldn't have a bar of it!
BTW did you check out "my nuts" I though it would be of interest to you