Cabinet for Tea Bag Holders #3: Some steps back and a few more forward


This is part 3 in a 11 part series: Cabinet for Tea Bag Holders

 First up on this day was to correct a mistake I made yesterday. When I cut the back rabbet on the top I had the part turned around. I have been keeping parts aligned so the grain pattern runs across the top and down the front. With this mistake the grain didn't line up at all.
 So I cut a filler piece from some scrap.

I cut it slightly oversize on the thickness and width. The length matches the top.

Some glue and clamps get the patch in place.

After the glue set up I trimmed the patch to fit. Then I cut the rabbet on the correct end. This patch will be hard to see once the case is completed.

My hinges showed up! Fancy stuff.

I trimmed most of the tear out off the side before the next step. This shot is before I made the cut with the miter saw.

Then I made my next mistake…

I thought it would be a good idea to pre-finish the interior surfaces before making the dados for the shelves. (Each tea bag holder will sit on its own shelf). It might have worked but I rushed it before the finish had fully cured. The surface was a bit sticky and made it difficult to get a smooth pass through the router table.

I sanded off most of the finish and made the rest of the dado cuts. I used a 3/16" straight bit. The single flute required firm control. Then I cut the sides and back to final dimensions.

Next I sanded the shelves to thickness and cut them to size.

The final step for the day is a test fit.