Heart Surgery #1: My Heart Surgery Update


This is part 1 in a 1 part series: Heart Surgery

  1. My Heart Surgery Update

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Gnome, John. Glad it worked out for you. I had mine in 2013, and it abruptly ended me doing side work, which I had done for a lot of years. Just this year I had a false alarm on a PET scan stress test.  They are so accurate it showed the blocked part of one of my bypassed vessels. The bypass was as open as the day it was placed, so as far as getting blood flow to the muscle for a 70 year old ex smoker my cardio, at least as far as blockage, is all wide open.

What I am saying is just the surgery part has progressed to giving us a second life, but if diet, smoking, any of that "bad" stuff is still present, that rerun, can be short lived. Do what they tell ya, change the diet, be a better person, and you can stretch what used to be a 10 year surgery into a much longer deal. 

Kinda hurts to cough doesn't it? :-) that getting your ribs spread is a bitch.

I never had any animosity with you, so I just wish you well. I'm mostly gone myself, just check projects, and the blogs, and product reviews, the threads are just too time consuming, and half of them are junk. I am having the time of my life, having cancer does that to ya, you look at time left a lot different. I am getting more done in the shop with all the extra time I have. Life is good, enjoy yours.
Well John,  I'm quite astonished at your level of hypocrisy. You come over here and do the same thing you would ban others from doing on your site.  You sign up with a fake name, for nothing more than to spy on another site.  
("allowing me to be the Fly on the Wall")   
I'm amazed that you have so much hatred in you that you would actually follow someone you banned just so you could get the chance to take a shot at them, and the site that they are on. Yes, Martin's Site, the site you have just used for your selfish purposes.
Shows what kind of man you really are.

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

Am amazing amount of hatred from someone.

I hope you never have to undergo the health challenges or hatred directed at you.

It makes me wonder how people get do upset over social media and hiding behind their forum names.  It reminds me to be more civil and not let posters get under my skin.
well john even though you did or helped get me banned at least a couple times im glad to hear your doing ok and i wish you the best. but i do agree with bently, coming here to spy on those you eliminated ! you must be very insecure or paranoid ? well i hope you mean what you say and stay off this forum. you get no respect from me. 

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Pottz.... How many times have you been back to LJ to see what is going on?  
well since john blocked me, again, for the same thing he just did, i havn't in the last few months. he couldn't figure it out on his own so i basically told some who i really was. i was done getting new members to come here so i didn't really care he blocked me. i dont know what you see in john, he lurks here for over a year and says he's leaving after taking a cheap shot at me. like bent said, shows what kind of man he really is !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

When I first saw this posted by John I was quite shocked.
I don't know him but have to say that having surgery to fix his heart wasn't the main problem. His soul is rotten!
I'm sorry Pottz this happened to you. 
hey if it made him feel better for saying what he did good for him !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

John, I wish you the best for , but I agree, what you did to a great site like LJ's is criminal.  
Birdseye, The level of pushback does not begin to be commensurate to the level of atrocites he leveled at all of us over there.  That was nothing short of a Jack-booted thug....None of us wish him ill will in his health, just wanted to have a nice little forum, without anyone peering thru the fence at us...


hey guys why are you backing me up, according to john you "ants" will grab a leaf and float away to utopia !!! i think weve already found utopia ? 😁

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

im also curious as to why he did a blog when he says he's done and gone ? kinda leaving the back door unlocked huh !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

If you want to be angry about the changes at LJ, I will agree as they ruined the site.  However, John had nothing to do with the changes.  You can blame VerticalScope for the change.  John was handed a changed site to deal with.  They messed up a good site.  
i agree but john went way over board with moderation birds. he was changing comments, deleting posts and banning for no good reason. he took the power way too far, sorry but he can kiss my ass ! hell we thought cricket was bad, john made her look like an angle ! bird im way beyond angry my friend. i did probably more than anyone to promote the forum, to welcome new members, to post projects and to comment on projects and add new content !  so dont even go there with me ! and for that they told me to f #%k off ! i hope their happy with the 100k or whatever they claim members that do nothing ! peace buddy !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

 "How many times have you been back to LJ to see what is going on?"  

I go over there about once a month,  if that.  Most of the stuff I read is at a garage / beginner level, and the amount of mis information given to questions is laughable. 
I also agree with the over moderation,  but I suppose if they want a goodie goodie site,  it's their right.  I'm glad to not participate there anymore.    (I'm still a member,  See if you can find me John.)

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

After being banned twice I have only 62 accounts over there.

“Fake quotes will ruin the internet” — Benjamin Franklin

Birdseye...the new format was inevitable...it allowed the site to function better.  However it was very different and lots of these guys are not good with a lot of change and that was a truckload.  We were also promised  changes that never occurred, but I get that was not John.  
What was John was the the things listed by Pottz.....they literally reworded posts...took out other posts ...and banned folks when they got frustrated and lashed out.  Power was issued to the moderators, and Lord knows they used it.  They perused the site with a fine tooth comb and made changes issued warning and shut threads down with regularity.....THAT WAS JOHN!  
I managed cops, I was a Captain.  Rookies show up and immediately begin to nit pick.  The public is not ok with that.  Yes there are certainly concerns that need to be dealt with, but need to be done with kindness, consideration and respect.  Tickets do not always need be issued, and minor offender if they understand what they did wrong do not need to be arrested.  You begin to understand as you mature in the job.  John and crew had rookie syndrome...they showed up with their authority and began to dominate the site.  The whole thing was painful to watch...a once great site, managed by a total incompetent, and a collection of rookie moderators that ruined the whole thing.   They made us feel like we were in Jr High again with some old lady teacher with a ruler to rap our knuckles.   And for the record I have been back once in a couple of years and then only to check on the health of a couple people that I considered friends and was concerned about.  So excuse us if we do not jump up with open arms to welcome a member of that crew......


As my last comment on this thread,  I think people take forums way too seriously.  Yes, John and Cricket likely over moderated  LJ but I do not know all the specifics.  There were comments made over there that needed moderating and made by some current members here.   LJ is not the only forum where the moderators are strict such as SawMillCreek. As with many things you have a choice to make. If you do not like it leave and go elsewhere.

When I see the following comments, I really start to wonder....

Jack Booted Thug
Soul is Rotten
Kiss My Ass

All over a f+++ing forum.  You would think this is about something important instead of a woodworking forum.  Time to make sawdust instead of this.
ive been thinking the last day or so about whats been said. one thing that has stuck with me is the comment you made birds.
 (It makes me wonder how people get do upset over social media and hiding behind their forum names. )

so you go by birdseye49, on lj's i believe it was "redoak" if im correct?  if not please correct me. and i think i remember you blocking me ? so i go by pottz which is just short for pottratz, as in larry pottartz ! ive also posted my picture here along with the beagle ! i hide behind nothing. i say what i mean and i mean what i say ! so who is really the phoney ? you like to call people out for their harsh words. what about f+++ing ? wow no one can figure that out !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

 All over a f+++ing forum.  You would think this is about something important instead of a woodworking forum.  Time to make sawdust instead of this. 
This is just a type of deflection.... the fact of the matter is lots of folks invest hundreds and thousands of hours over the years in a Forum, only to have things edited and things taken down.  I was on a thread once around the time of the hurricane in Fla Gulf coast and had I mentioned that now they were going to have to deal with insurance.  The post was taken and I was warned that we were not going to complain about insurance on this forum.....really?.....is this a serious offense....I did not mention a brand....
The dearest thing we have in this life is time.  A lot of us dedicated a fair amount of that commodity to LJs to only to have comments thrown back in our face....that is where the animosity comes from.
None one I know wishes John ill health....we just don't intend to embrace him as a long lost brother.  Maybe if an apology accompanied the post, but the post was just another form of attack.   
THAT is where I am coming from.....


Well I finally found this.  

I'm wondering if Hitler would have sent the jews an update on his GSW recovery if his aim had been a bit off?