Man Lamp or Robot Lamp

First made by Ross Leidy and Dutchy.
My desk lamp died or the fluorescent tube in it did. It was old, and bought in Hong Kong when I lived there, and so the fluorescent tube was no longer commercially available. A good reason to build this cool little lamp.

Made of American maple the head proved interesting. I managed to glue uo the head prior to inserting the nut to attach the neck..... oops! Some creative techniques and we got the job done.

Neck and shoulders done next. I also learnt the idea of inserting the nuts into large round timber aka dowels was fraught. So an order was placed for some contrasting black plastic dome nuts. Enroute from China and due at the end of Jan.

Time to get creative and add an insert. Here I've routed out the channel for the insert. The was just to tidy up a bit the router missed.

Forearms and hands made, with the legs and feet in the background. The back or spine also shown top right.

Some of this timber is American cherry and some I'm not clear on what it is.
Watch this space as they say.....
The head I've burnished and the body is all stained with Danish oil.

Finally finished. Very surprised how strong the little nylon nuts are, excellent. Not totally satisfied with the stability of the whole lamp. It improved once I'd tightened the nuts but still not to my liking. I recall Ducky making a comment on that or wasI hallucinating again....ha ha.
Pretty happy though it's a cool project. 
Thanks Duchy and Ross for the help and the plans.  

Kerry - Working with wood, the smell the feel, is such a joy, its a meditation of sorts.

As I can see you did enjoyed to build this one. Well done. thanks for sharing.

I really love these things, comical and functional 👍
Sorry to be a plagiarist Lark, I love these builds and RossL got me hooked on them... of course I had to play 1 upmanship and went for a cordless option and a mixed marriage.

Nothing like your great timber (and others) versions, but the lonely MDF couple has a place in life.

PS. You should post this as a worthy project.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Wow they're cute and different which is good. I like different.

Kerry - Working with wood, the smell the feel, is such a joy, its a meditation of sorts.

I've got these lamps on my project list. It looks like yours are going to turn out great.
Nice job Lark, these things look like fun to make. I should make a few for my nieces and nephews.
Wouldn’t you know Alex would give the woman robot norks (breasts). I’m surprised he didn’t use a dowel and mortise to make them completely anatomically correct.

.................. John D....................

Ah but I severed that umbilical cord.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD


Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".