Old Store Counter #4: Top Work and Moulding Install


This is part 4 in a 5 part series: Old Store Counter

  1. Say What?
  1. Design Constraints
  2. Top Work and Moulding Install
  3. Completion!

Needed a 'countertop' surface for the roughly 4' of cabinet next to the pedestal. Would love to have found a piece of 5/4 stock of the vintage, eastern white pine variety, but not to be. I did find a single board over 16" wide though, and used it. Not a detailed series of pics, but here is the first one taken. But this time I'd already cut it to size and 'framed' it with some 1x stock.

The piece was 1 1/2" too narrow, so I decided to add a small 'shelf board' that creates a small rear tray to the top. It's turned out looking pretty good. Here it is getting a fifth coat of wipe-on "3-2-1" finish.

To support the top, I recreated the step moulding profile of the original as best I could, using the custom profile I made in the previous installment along with some salvage 1/2 round stock we had on hand. And I opted for a simpler profile to top off the pedestal.Β 

You can see the register in place in the second pic, along with progress placing the moulding inside the relief panels. Here are a couple close ups of that work. Making some...

Nailing some...

And enjoying the results.

Then add some paint! I'm really smiling now!

Then made some base moulding.

And applied it. Lots of mitres.

Next time, base plate and completion! Thanks for looking!

Don't anthropomorphize your handplanes. They hate it when you do that. - OldTools Archive -


lookin great smitty. love the patina on that counter top !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

beautiful πŸ˜πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘


That looks really good, some great trim work all around, really like the built-up trim and panels.

Main Street to the Mountains

It’s really coming together, Smitty! Thanks for bringing us along on the journey!

May you have the day you deserve!

A must-have on the back side is a shelf that serves as a foot rest. β€œCheck!”

Another backside pic:

No more work today! :-)

Don't anthropomorphize your handplanes. They hate it when you do that. - OldTools Archive -

Have a beer Smitty, you earned it!
Fine fine work as always.

Watch and learn, practice and learn, create and learn

So cool 😎

-- There is nothing like the sound of a well tuned hand plane. - https://timetestedtools.net and https://diy.timetestedtools.net

Thanks everyone! I’m digging the look, very pleased so far. Lots of not-fun cutting to do to create the final base trim… as in, 23 pieces of it, just like that lower bullnose. Then adjust the height of the register shelf, add a drawer under the register, add maybe another bottom shelf on the long end, then cut three stopped chamfers on the piece, all before final paint. Almost there!

Don't anthropomorphize your handplanes. They hate it when you do that. - OldTools Archive -

Nearing the finish line.

Six more base cuts, then shelf and drawer and corner stopped chamfers.!

Don't anthropomorphize your handplanes. They hate it when you do that. - OldTools Archive -

Nice Smitty.

Main Street to the Mountains