Old Store Counter

5 entries

1 Say What?

So, a couple years ago I spend a considerable amount of time both rebuilding and blogging about an ancient store counter that was salvaged a couple...

2 A Plan and a Start

Here’s what I’m after. And it’s the extent of a detailed plan. [EF32DB5F-05BE-413F-8B91-0CF8E184804A.jpeg] Here’s the inspiration piece. [22DA481C...

3 Design Constraints

A study of the inspiration piece tells me more than a few things about the layout of the recessed panels in this build. Specifically: 1) These rai...

4 Top Work and Moulding Install

Needed a 'countertop' surface for the roughly 4' of cabinet next to the pedestal. Would love to have found a piece of 5/4 stock of the vintage, eas...

5 Completion!

26 pieces of mitred trim make up the base… done. [D9406A94-0031-4BB9-90EF-EF3A23633609.jpeg] Then paint base and, while that’s drying, add drawer....