Misc. Shop Stuff #2: A Different Kind of Fastener

Speaking of nails… looking through my late father’s inventory for something short but kinda substantial. Found these.

Never used ‘Shoe Nails’ before, but they were perfect! Now to not lose the box before needing them the next time…

Don't anthropomorphize your handplanes. They hate it when you do that. - OldTools Archive -

Old school, not too many shoe shops left anymore.

Main Street to the Mountains

They look a lot like some modern Tremont or Rivierre cut nails


Interesting historical tidbit. 

-- There is nothing like the sound of a well tuned hand plane. - https://timetestedtools.net and https://diy.timetestedtools.net

I like the box. I buy that stuff from garage/estate sales all the time just because I like the old boxes