Mini Office Workbench #2: Cutting the board

Boys and Girls,

After finding an appropriately wide panel (past constructions), the first step was to cut to length. My Kapex has a reach of only 300mm with the current fence.  Opening up my 6mm MDF ZCI fence

didn't give that extra 6mm width I was hoping for and undoing the retaining knob (set up to permit micro adjustment for alignment with my side by side Hitachi mitre saw

and moving it forward didn't improve it.
I could have just cut it asis with the Kapex and finished the last 20mm with my Jap saw (and yes, I have a 池田和刀鋸 to cut my sashimi to minimise kerf wastage), but I didn't buy my Fe$tool tracksaw for a paper weight.

This is my setup for cutting of the board using a tracksaw... sounds easy, but I manage to complicate it...  apology video will follow after color returns and red fades from my face.

Still no CRV video, BUT....

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD