A sheet good handling cart


4×8 sheets of plywood are always a pain and dangerous for one man to handle.
Year ago I built this cart to handle these sheets to bring them and to saw then on my TS.
It has been working well ever since.
My hope is that my idea will help others.
I started with a lifting table from HF.



Smart idea!

Every year the process of handling sheet good gets a little harder.

Great job


very creative idea.thanks for sharing.

Great idea !! The worst part of WW is sheet goods. Way to make it easier

Ferdinand and Son Construction

I recently bought a sheet of 3/4" hardwood veneered “plywood”. I thought that I was really getting old because it kicked my butt to unload it, move it to the shop and set up on the workbench to begin breaking it down. Then I realized that it had two 1/4" plies that were MDF. No wonder the thing was so heavy. I felt better about my physical condition after the revelation. :)

-- Art

Genial! like the French say.

That’s a neat idea. Just today I was struggling with a sheet of ply.

Thanks for sharing.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Thank you all for your replies


That is truly a great idea for those utilizing sheet goods on a frequent basis. I see you used a Harbor Freight Hydraulic Lift Table. Now THAT I could see purchasing in the near future, for sure.

QUESTION: Does the Hydraulic Lift Table actually “lift” high enough to be used as an infeed/outfeed table for your TS on its own (~34in)? Or does it require the added platform as you show, in order to reach the TS’s height?


Thank you Mike.
It requires the added platform.
From HF’s website site: Maximum Lift Height (in.) 27-1/2 in.


Pretty slick Frenchy !

Measure "at least" twice and cut once

Thank you all.
By the way I use this lifting table for many other things too.
It is very convenient to have around
