I'm David from Jacksonville, FL. I'm 34, married with three young boys. I work as a staff accountant for a local trucking company, and run a small side business out of my single car garage called DML Woodworks. I'm currently going back to college to get my business degree. With work, school and three boys involved with sports and cub scouts, I don't get much time to get out in the shop right now, but I try to get a half hour every couple days, and maybe a couple hours on the weekends. Looking forward to learning from everyone here, and hope I might be able to contribute something every once in a while.

Thanks David…
My top seller was my dipping board (made for oil and bread with decorative handles), my bar board (a 4 × 6″ cutting board) and my tea box.


Thanks for sharing that with me Ellen! I know every market is different, but it’s interesting to see what sells where. Have a good one!