Greene & Greene inspired coffee table


I’ve been working on this coffee table on and off for the last 5 months for a co-worker. Started in Feb, and just finished yesterday (kind of). I used my CNC machine to make router templates for the rails, then used the band saw to get close to the line, and the router with the templates to finish them off. Pegged mortise and tennon construction, made with Mahogany and Ebony plugs. Finished was a mix of orange and medium brown dye stains (from Fine Woodworking), followed by a lacquer top coat and wax. This has certainly been a challenge for me, but I’m really happy with the way it turned out. There are definitely some flaws, but nothing too major. The table was designed to house laptops and tablets inside and out of sight. There is a insert inside that has two standard plugs and two usb ports. There will be a plug that comes out from the bottom, but my co-worker has a receptacle in the floor where the table will sit. The top will lift up to allow access, and the small opening along the top rails allows for ventilation and cord space when the laptop is in use, but still needs to be plugged in. I said kind of finished earlier…My biggest mistake I made on this was not opening the lift mechanism package until it was time to install the top. I didn’t realize they mount to the sides and not to the bottom. Since this is a frame and panel design, there isn’t enough material on the sides to screw into, so I need to do some damage control there.

Have a wonderful and safe 4th!

Nice work Daivid

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Looks Great!

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)


Losing fingers since 1969

Nice. Very nice, indeed.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

Beautiful work. I think that the Greene and Greene is ready for a comeback big time.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.