Woodworking Blogs

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Our 2014 Christmas Giveaway is over and it’s time to announce a lucky winner chosen at random from the authors of 107 creations posted during the e...
A riggedy-jig and away we go … Woodworkers do love their jigs and if they don’t, they probably just haven’t tried one yet. So many uses and so many...
With the design decided and the drawer front marquetry installed the time finally came to tackle the cutting of the end motifs. This is by far the ...
How about a reciprocal link to my Group you have been posting links to??? The Woodworking Collective https://www.facebook.com/groups/the.woodworkin...
Post any kind of your woodworking creation (+Add → New Creation) for a chance to win a $100 online gift card from your favorite online shop. RULES ...
I got some shop time last weekend and decided to do some more veneering. While working on my last panel for the veneer box, I messed up with the sc...
In the previous installment of this blog, I left off with the ribs cut and pattern routed. It is time to glue them up. I decided that the first 5 r...
Post any kind of your woodworking creation (+Add → New Creation) for a chance to win a $100 online gift card from your favorite online shop. RULES ...
It’s December. 2014 is coming to an end and we will be heading toward our 1st Anniversary later in the spring. It’s been a great 2014 so far, hasn’...
You may have seen my project post here which explains the background for this design. Several readers expressed their interest in a blog to show ho...
I wonder … what has been your biggest “wonder blunders”? Those “oops” with big lessons attached — and, of course, what you learned from the blunder!
Once the drawer mechanics were sorted out to my satisfaction, I was able to apply the marquetry to the last six and get a first coat of shellac on ...