Gut Shop Reorganization #5: design versus reality


Stupid tape measure. Always proving me wrong.

I got my first box make and installed, which was for the CMS. I needed to get that thing off the floor. Finally it is and I’m no longer tripping over it. This one single thing is what was mainly driving this project and I can now check this off the list. I still have drawers to make, etc, but this CMS is installed in its permanent location with a temporary infeed “table” (a couple of pieces of scrap screwed to my bench) also installed. Got to use it this past weekend for some window casings. Yay! It’s functional!

Now on to the next tool that’s always in the way: the planer, which is currently on a mobile stand. I like the mobile stand, but it just takes up too much space in my 10′ × 20′ shop.

Last night I laid out the location so I could verify my design layout and dang it if I’m not off by a full 7". This is a bit of a problem because I have to shrink the spacer cabinet between the flip top planer and the CMS. I can’t move the CMS for several reasons including: the existing bench is in the way, I need all the space I already planned for infeed and outfeed, and anyway the dang thing is already installed. The flip top planer cabinet has to move due to table saw location. So, something has to give. I hate the idea of tiny drawers for that narrower space. So inefficient. Maybe I can find one tool that will fit exactly. I’ll have to ponder that one a bit.

Thinking forward, I have a solid 1-3/4" flush door I picked up at work that I’m going to make my future bench top with. It’s free, heavy (over 100 lbs) and flat. Saves time, effort and money. What could be better?

Losing fingers since 1969

It can be quite a challenge setting up a small shop Brian. Every time I think I’ve gotten the optimal set-up I start doing a different type of woodworking and I have to make a lot of changes to accommodate it. It’s a never ending struggle. Hang in there, you will work it out.

Mike, an American living in Norway

I have hope. The guy that I bought my planer from off Craigslist – his shop was less than half the size of mine. :-) that puts me in the win column. LOL

Losing fingers since 1969

So far nice rehab

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"