Is this site dead?


I see no movement.

Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

52 Replies

It’s spring. Yard projects. Fishing. Sports. All time sucks. I haven’t made anything notable in a while but I plan on building a gate in a month or so. After I finish my brick patio and painting the house. Blah….

Losing fingers since 1969

yep pretty much like Brian said spring and summer lots of folks get involved with outdoor activities and put lot’s of woodworking projects off until fall and winter.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

As above for me as well, unfortunately I started to run out of money so I had to go back to work for a while.
Not sure why the Apr Woodworking Monthly does not open or where the May version is, Papadan posted a nice dog box just recently, I havent heard back from Tonycan yet, Dutchy is still chugging away with his tractor, Shipwright is possibly out sailing somewhere or maybe feeding swallows in his workshop, not sure what Madts is up to, obviously everybody else is busy too!

Regards Rob

Just glad to hear that you all are alive.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

I am rebuilding a Kitchen and bathrooms. Pictures to follow soon.

Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

and I’ve been laid up for a bit …. missed a couple of Weekly Briefs. My apologies for that.
Working on the current Weekly Brief right now … (better get back at it)

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

I’m alive! Haven’t been doing too much WW as Brian mentioned, this is spring and I’ve mostly been doing yard stuff. Slowly been working on a walnut liquor cabinet but have really struggled with motivation to sit in my workshop after the long winter.

Rob, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario

I just haven’t finished anything notable in a while that’s worth posting. A lot of the same ol stuff. Plus my son’s doing allstar baseball, so we’ve been all over for tournaments. I’m in the process of building a greene & greene inspired coffee table, but it’s not done yet. I’ll post that once I’m through.

Built a bigger wood shop and have been busy wiring and insulating and painting and moving all my tools . Plus mowing .


Hey I found Shipwright sure enough he is away sailing with friends by the looks, I hope his swallows are OK on their own!!

Regards Rob

I almost forgot the title prompted me to resopnd, … with some dead boring stuff I made a while ago. 2011 and 2012.

I needed a box or my router bits, and like Bruce I had an interest in coffins and caskets

My mate spotted it and decided he needed it more than I, so I made two more this time knowing he would want to annex one yet again!

Only this time I never let on I had them and made him drool for a while after he saw them one day, later on giving him one!!…he was chuffed!! At least friendship is not dead.!!

Later on in 2015 I made a tool box for my ute.
Hoping to keep sticky beaks away from my tools when I am out!!
Unfortunately it attracts more attention than intended, oh well.

Regards Rob

I’m busy as can be, can’t find VKD to see about the box swap.

Will work wood for food.

Guilty as charged.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

My self and 15 other old codgers play golf 6 days a week. By the time I get home and take my 3 hour daily nap, I barely have time for yard work. I do have a couple of requests for music stands and a couple of night stands but I must keep my priorities in order but yes I am still kicking. Very sorry to hear you have been ill MsDebbie. Hope it is all behind you.


Nice video and photos Paul. Your sure do look happy and relaxed.


Seems like this post had some bad timing. Either that or it was inspiration for a flurry of projects recently. :-)

Losing fingers since 1969

It’s been to hot to doing anything in the shop… When we catch a cool day it’s fishing time…. I check in every day just to see what you all have been up to…
