Measuring Tapes - Part II (What to do with broken ones)


Ok, here we go. Let’s brainstorm.
What can you do with old broken measuring tapes?


Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

14 Replies

1. attach them to work benches as permanent measuring tapes.

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Chuck it and buy another one

If it’s a craftsman turn it into sears and get a new one.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

attach it to a wall for measuring kids through the years.

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Or attach to your kids and measure the wall LOL

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

I think kids today are not taught to measure. Common core teachings require a bunch of algebra equations that don’t really give good answers. Measuring might be a thing of the past. (Another good reason to hang unto old tape measures.)

put them in a drawer, when you need to mke a jig to measure blade height cut a bit off and glue it on. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)



Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

If it refuses to come out of the case , you smash it on the floor . Makes me feel better !


hahaa laughed out loud at that one

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Lol, theses are good ideas.

Use it for fishing. Especially if the end got cut off. “I measured this bluegill and it was nearly 3 feet long!” Makes for great fish stories.

Losing fingers since 1969

oh Brian.. you are too funny!!

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

When my tape measure doesn’t work anymore " I MAKE A PHONE CALL WITH IT !!! I’ve had this for 32 years and it will still work as a phone . It was a gift , no idea where they got it .!
