Fixing Blotchy stain


What have you used to prevent blotchy staining results.
Extra sanding helped some.

I read years ago about sealing first or using dye.
I wish I could remember all that I know !! LOL
The wood is knotty alder .


10 Replies

I used sanding sealer (shellac).

I have read many articles talking about conditioner, toners and even diluted PVA glue; Anything that seal the pores and hopefully does not prevent stain absorption too much.

This said I am very lousy at finishing so hopefully some of the pro will chime in.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Thanks Ianwater !!
I will try that, I talked to some pros down at the Sherian Williams store & they recommend MinWax pre stain conditioner.
Making sample boards for a customer (kitchen & laundry room cabinets) using oak, hickory & alder.
The knotty alder is giving me the problem.


Min wax stain conditioner is 90% solvents (MSDS), you would do just as well diluting varnish and equal amount and use it….besides saving some money. These (sanding sealers) are all just a very thin finish.

"I long for the day when coke was a cola and a joint was a bad place to be" Merle Haggartd

In my opinion the best conditioner out there is Charles Neil’s blotch control

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

In my opinion the best conditioner out there is Charles Neil’s blotch control

Yup, I agree with that 100%.

Bondo Gaposis

Thanks to all for the great information, I want to try all of them.


De-waxed shellac diluted 50% with alcohol seems to work well. Zinser seems to be the only seller of it pre-mixed, called sanding sealer.

I mix 1/7 lacquer thinner to topcoat being used for the job and spray this on evenly. Then lightly sand with 320 freecut sandpaper and stain.Then apply sealer/ toocoat. Pretty much elimnates blotch.


I mix 1/7 lacquer thinner to topcoat being used for the job and spray this on evenly. Then lightly sand with 320 freecut sandpaper and stain.Then apply sealer/ topcoat. Pretty much elimnates blotch.


Thanks to all.
I have copied & saved all of these recipes.
I have made 3 sample boards using oak, hickory & knotty alder.
I used a couple your protocols on the alder.
If they choose the alder I will explore the rest of them for the best results.
Thanks for all of your great input !!
