Hey gang , my Dad has always been one of my biggest fans of my woodworking . He is 87 and on kidney dialysis and has heart problems . While trying to get him on medicaid , we had to do some preliminary funeral plans . I found out that I was able to build his casket if I wanted to . I plan to . I just wanted your thoughts and comments.


17 Replies

There are a few casket builds here on the WWW. I seem to remember more than I found in a search, but maybe I saw those on another site.

Losing fingers since 1969

I googled “Build your own casket” and found a lot of video and web material. Some might help. I was surprised to know that a casket has six sides and a coffin has eight…learn something new everyday.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

My two cents worth. To me it would be an honor that very few would ever have the opportunity to give to a loved one. With patience and fortitude you could build a beautiful casket that the whole family would be proud of. With your talent, I don’t see this being a big issue for you. Good luck and please let’s us be witnesses to your great accomplishment.


^^ like. God bless.

Losing fingers since 1969

I’ve had the honor to do this for some close family members. Before he passed the last conversation I had with my uncle was that I would promise to build his casket and I was able to keep that promise – and I was privileged enough to be a pall bearer. I’ve also sold them to others and it’s a humbling experience to be involved in some degree or another in such a private part of someone else’s life. My site is www.victorycoffin.com – feel free to check out some of my builds and PM or e-mail me if you have any questions on dimensions or any other build aspects. And although I cannot give legal advice I can point you in the direction of some information on consumers rights as well.

It is an honor to build a loved one’s casket and the finished project is a great tribute to your loved one. Cherish every moment that you still have with your Dad Bruce.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

a1jim -I do , I take him where ever he wants to go when I’m up there .And we sit and talk .


I have decide to go with oak . I picked up some 8" cove molding for the tapered part of the lid .


I am considering a Viking longboat about 12’ long as a casket to be set to sea and set ablaze. Here if a body is to be creamated it must be at 1500 degF for a min of 15 mins. Hmmm, I may need to cook up some homade napalm to fill the boat with to get the job done right. I’ll have to save up to get enough oak to make it with, but that’s what I want in the end. The local funeral directors have told me it may not be legal, but ima put it in my will and my family all knows that’s what I want.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Thorreain, now that is a voyage, even if it is your last. Good luck in your quest.


Now that would be something to sea , pine would burn faster and hotter .


You kind of want to make sure the inside burns long enough to get the job done. Imagine if it sank before the job was done. That would be a disaster. Napalm sound like a good idea.

Losing fingers since 1969

Been checking in on your casket build and wanted to get the “Back Story.” I’m sorry to hear about your Dad. Way cool idea, and beautiful gift.

Keith "Shin" Schindler

Shin -I had to take my Dad to the funeral home to sign some papers. While we were there the lady ask if I wanted to see some caskets . I replied no I am a woodworker and I will be building his casket. She looked a little shocked and then said I will go get the dimensions that you have to follow . They were easy 24" inside , 24" tall , no more than 30 inches out side and no more than 84" long . It is made out of oak . The top part is made from cove molding and the bottom is 1/4" oak plywood with each section done in oak trim .The handles are just oak hand railing. My Dad seen pictures for the first time today and was really impressed and thanked me for building it .


Your dad complimenting you is what its all about. Good job on the whole thing. It came out great.

Losing fingers since 1969