Gift from Norway


A bit back I posted picks of some miniature Bluebird houses. Mike40 contacted me, in that he was motivated to turn some small birdhouses on the lathe. He’s done some larger bird houses and did one up, similar to those.

Well, I commented that my wife was interested in them, so guess what, he knocked one out and mailed it to us. Very impressive. We, my wife and I, are both very tickled with the nice gift we received.

Shot a pic of the Norwegian birdhouse and one of my Texas birdhouse. I think they look great together. :-)

Thanks Mike40, aka Stefang!

Keith "Shin" Schindler

way to go :)

Martin Sojka, Maker of Craftisian

Awesomeness. Nicly done!

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

That’s great Mike is a super guy

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker