Finishing Helpers: Jigs, Fixtures, Stands, Etc.


Howdy all!

Painting auto parts is easy; hang them from the rack, set them on the fender stand, etc.; but wooden projects don’t lend themselves to such ease.

With that, I’d be interested in seeing others’ finishing helpers.

Anyone using Lazy Susan set ups?

Thanks in advance.

Happy Wooding!

Keith "Shin" Schindler

well i dont use a lazy susan but what i have done is cut some blocks of wood 2" by 2’ and drilled a hole dead center and ran drywall screws through to make my own finishing points. the dryway screws have a very sharp point that dosent leave a mark on the bottom or backs of the things i am finishing. i always spray the backs or bottoms first then lay it on my points the finish the rest as it sit there. Doors if they have the 35mm cup holes rockler has the hanging jig that fit right into the cup and snug up then you can hang it that way you can spray your door completely. otherwise i always assemble everything before spraying and if they are regular hinges i already have the holes there so i use eye hooks in the hinge holes and use old wire hangers to make s hooks and hang the doors that way bigger projects i just use blocking under the project to raise it up. on really small stuff i use very small nails and bend the to make a hook and drill a small hole 1/64th and put the nail in the hole then hang from sting. well thats about it

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

I used 2 threaded shorts of galvanized pipe from home depot.

The first one fits in the second. I also bought 2 flanges that I screw two piece of 2×2′ plywood. One act as a base and one serve as the table top . It rotate quite easily.

I don’t have the setup anymore as I left it in the backyard and the plywood delaminated. I kept the fittings and pipe for the next time I need the setup.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

I have a number of pieces of wood that fit parts of guitars, drawers, and flat surfaces that all can be screwed to a table/production benchtop. When I have a number of pieces to be sprayed I create a spray booth using poly and a tape on zipper and a 24″×24″ household fan. I start by taping the poly to the ceiling about four feet larger than the work surface. Then I add the zipper to the poly to create a door. Then I place items on top of the poly on the floor to keep it from moving. Lastly I open the attic hatch and tape the fan up creating a down draft. I use a household furnace filter on the intake side of the fan and the exhaust goes outside via the garage car door. This way I create a spray booth inside the shop exhausted outside with a fresh air down draft. It’s disposable and easy to set up and take down creating no permanent use of space. I get the zippers from Home Depot

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Jeff, like minds. I have small pieces of wood with three dry wall screws each, mostly for small items that will balance on the three screws. Larger items will also rest on them with no noticeable marks. I also have a bar tied horizontal overhead with stiff wires. For light items, I’ll bend the ends of the wire like hooks, and suspend items on them. Large furniture items just sit on the floor to dry.

Being retired is way harder than you think! ;0).

I have a small one made the way lanwater explained (pipe and pipe flange) it’s on a mobile base, and the table is about 2’ square. Larger stuff just gets stood up, or maybe laid down on a set of plastic horses. Once I was spraying a lot of base board and door casing. Using NC lacquer, I was spraying outside, so I took a pair of saw horses and screwed some furring strip to them that were angled back about 45º. I put rows of nails in the strips and laid the trim on it to spray.

"I long for the day when coke was a cola and a joint was a bad place to be" Merle Haggartd

When making these I use 2 in disc and 3 in wood screws . I primer seal one side , while it’s still wet I in stall the stands . Then I can turn it over and do the othere side . I leave the in till all painting is done , that way if I get a side drip I can get at It.


, Also I have a 3 ft x 4 ft work bench in my office . I installed the turn stile from an old bar stole between the work bench and a pc of 34 in plywood the same size. I can sit in my chair and rotate the project 360 degrees


For many items I use very short bungie cords with metal hook ends. I hang them from the ceiling and usually smaller items like raised panel doors can be hung. I spray them and can get around them 360 degrees. Even an item that doesn’t have a place to hook into it. You can usually find a place on the back side to put a small deck screw to hang it from.

Dan Gagner, Craftsman on the lake. The lake is calm, the wife is understanding, the wood is dry. What more is there...

Thorreain, funny you mention the disposable booth. I did that once when I painted my bike. I did it at one of the job sites I was working at. The parking garage had a giant exhaust fan system that was controlled with a CO detector. I set up my booth around one of the ducts and turned it on manually when using it. It worked great. The couple of cars parked there were spray paint-free when I finished. LOL I guess there could have been some serious problems if it didn’t work.

Losing fingers since 1969