Painting with wood method or alternatively patches packet


My next marquetry project will be using the painting in wood method (patch packet). It’s relatively large and I don’t want to use veneer as wasters for each layer as I’m trying to save on my limited supply of veneers. It hasn’t been easy to find cardboard the same thickness of the veneers to hold the patches in the various layers, but today I got lucky. I found a roll of of tar paper in the loft that is almost the exact thickness of my veneers, just 1/1000 of an inch thicker. it is fairly rigid, clean and dry on both sides and cuts without leaving tar residue on my knife blade. Masking tape used to hold the veneer patch in place also sticks to it quite well.

I haven’t tried this before, but I can’t any reason that it won’t work as well as veneer would..

Mike, an American living in Norway

Clever one Mike. The only things I can think of right off are that the packet may not be as rigid as you would like and masking tape gums up blades a little when you cut it. Will veneer tape not work on the tar paper?
The purpose is to keep the veneer piece in exact position and for that it should work so I’m betting it works.
Like I said, clever.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Not really clever Paul, more an act of desperation. I haven’t tried veneer tape with this tar paper yet, but I will tomorrow if I get the time. I’ll be getting my new DS machine set up if I can pick it up tomorrow morning. Since this paper is designed to repel water it might not work with veneer tape. Alternatively clear packing tape can be used and it also serves as a blade lubricant, but it might be difficult to remove afterward, so I will have to keep it outside the cut area. It is pretty stiff paper, almost as stiff as veneer and it takes several strokes to cut it with a craft knife just like veneer. I will cut a little test packet before cutting my project to make sure it works. I think the packet will be stiff enough with 1/8" ply on the top and bottom and compressed. Thanks for the tip about the masking tape. BTW I got one of those tape dispensers like you have after you praised it. It is really great, I love it. I bought two rolls of wide veneer tape then cut one in half so I have a wide one and a narrower one together in the dispenser. Very handy.

Mike, an American living in Norway

I see no reason why this won’t work Mike but having used packing tape (long ago) I don’t think you’ll like it for the same reason as masking tape – sticky sawdust in the works. Have you made any grease paper yet?

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

I hope the veneer tape will work ok Paul. I’ll give it a test today to find out. I haven’t made any grease paper yet, I keep forgetting it when we have bacon. I can probably get some suet from the butcher. I’m not sure how many layers I can have per piece of the grease paper. I could also use the lubrication sheets that are for with paper shredders. I think my wife has some. They are probably expensive though.

I just ordered the Jet drum sander from my tool guy, but the person I spoke to didn’t think they had it in stock. Every year they charter a ship which sails from Stavanger to Hunningvåg/Nordkapp. The cruise lasts 11 days. They have a lot of well know American, English and Norwegian woodturners who give free woodturning courses during the cruise. A huge amount of woodturning tools, lathes, drum sanders, bandsaws, etc. are onboard to be sold at various ports along the way. It’s probably a lot of fun (and really expensive). It looks like my drum sander is onboard so I will have to wait until they get back to take delivery. Here’s a photo of the ship.

Mike, an American living in Norway