Looking to buy the Harvey Ambassador Bandsaw

I've read a bunch of reviews and the Harvey looks to be top notch. My problem is I have to get it downstairs in the basement. It weighs 350lbs. and I have no neighbors or friends able to help because they are all too old. I called around to have it moved by a local mover and it looks to be between $375 and $1000 to move it to my basement.
Anyone have an idea on how I can accomplish this? My plan was to make a cradle for the saw and lay it over on it's back and slide it down the stairs with my son and wife helping.
The only other thought was to remove the table to save weight. The saw comes fully assembled and I really don't want to start taking things apart.

.................. John D....................

10 Replies


I have the Harvey Alpha bandsaw and LOVE it!

The Ambassador may be fine for your use.

Wanted you to know the table was not assembled on mine.  While i did not have to move it downstairs, I was able to get it off the pallet and onto the mobile base by myself.  (I am more stubborn than most)  The table weighs a lot!

Good luck, Hope this helps


Thanks Petey that's good news. I didn't want to have problems with it being too heavy for me to handle. If yours came with the table separate, then that ought to make it a little lighter. I've watched several reviews and I haven't found one that has any complaints. Pretty unusual in this day and age.

.................. John D....................

I would remove the table regardless. There is a tendency to grab it while shuffling the saw around and it is only attacked by relatively weak trunions. Many reports of guys breaking their trunions trying to move their saws.

That'll save some weigh and I like your idea of a sled for the stairs. Just need to have a good anchor to regulate the speed down the staircase.  
+1 on BS's having BS trunnions. Always best to remove the tables lest you either break, or permanently injure the trunnions. You can buy the BS for 2 grand, a set of trunnions is usually 1800 of that. They know what is what. 
Have you considered renting an appliance handtruck?  Some of them have stair glides that are supposed to help move up and down stairs.  

I don't have a Harvey but I would bet that motor is pretty easy to remove too.  That should help reduced the weight further.  

Wow!  I just looked at the Harvey website and they have their bandsaws seriously discounted right now.  The Ambassador is reduced from $2750 to $1500 with similar discounts on their other bandsaws    If I didn't already have a 17" Grizzly, I would clicking the checkout button right now.  

--Nathan, TX. Hire the lazy man. He may not do as much work but that's because he will find a better way.

Price reduction usually means new models coming out. 40% discount sounds really nice! (but I expect they are still sold at a profit)
Yes to removing the motor


Thanks guys, I talked to the company and they don't sell it assembled anymore. The motor and table are not installed and I'm sure that will make the trip down the stairs much easier.

.................. John D....................

Sounds like Congrats to the new owner are in order? 
Bonus John. I'd bet they did that to avoid shipping damages. You should have an easy job as that easily could be 75+ pounds less weight.