Trim Router Lift

I bought this for a Bosch Colt 1.25hp and it turns out it is for the smaller motors, which are something like 63 ~ 65mm.
Trade it for other trim router accessories. or ?


Guess that would depend on how bad you wants to use the Colt with a table and a lift.

Main Street to the Mountains

Well, I bought an insert plate from the same outfit and the lift doesn't fit right on it either, figures.  At the time, I thought that was the way to hang it in a table.  


I like my little Colt, haven't thought about putting it in a table.

Main Street to the Mountains

Yeah, making those drawers I could have used two table mounted routers but now that I'm done with those the usefulness of that has gone.  


OMG... don't tell the putz... I think I have one of these... bought it quite a few years ago for my Beall wood threader,

It was the only trimmer that had micro adjustment as well as those crappy rack & pinion (that always keeps missing the mark).
However, I suppose this doesn't help your dilemma.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

I'm building out a JKM Mini table right now, and plan on using a corded DeWalley set. My thought is just tweak adjustment's like back when, and use some blocks to set height against. For most of the stuff I am planning for it, close enough works great. Routing in dados for drawer bottoms stuff like that. Probably won't take a 1/4" downcut carbide spiral out of the routah... That last is ROUTER in Normese.

Damn Ducky, so they do sell real tools over there in Aussieland. Here I thought you HAD to use that green stuff just because you couldn't get real tools. Don't tell me the real reason you use them. I'll probably cry. :-)))))))

I've got a Colt in a Really nice base, but it's more for above table hand held use. If you want one in a table I'd just get their base.  As far as Colts go, the entire home CNC industry spent several years using them as the cutting component. The are kick ass routers. I have several of them laying around. If you want a Dremel I think the Stew Mac bases are the best at present.
I couldn’t find what I wanted in a little table either so I started one too George.  I cut all the pieces today and will start putting it together tomorrow.   I’ve got a router plate coming from Powertec to be delivered Monday.  So by the end of the day tomorrow I should have it finished and a finish on it, I made it out of a couple of 7/8” yellow pine planks a friend of mine gave me.


Damn Ducky, so they do sell real tools over there in Aussieland...

Yeah we do have them... occasionally even China rejects crap and sends it to us... and they have the audacity to use that four letter word... SELL!... should be the other for letter word... FREE!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD