 replied 9 days ago
I do not have one, but I consider the Tormek as more of a fine honing tool.... 
The Tormek is great, however, you nailed it with that statement Lazy.

I wanted to reshape a skew chisel and after over 2 hours on the Tormek, using all sorts of setup contraptions using jigs and heavy duty rubber bands to hold the chisel, I hardly made a dent and threw in the towel.  Jumped in the car and headed to Bunnings and bought an el-cheapo dual grinder for around $150.  After getting home, 5 minutes later I was ready to hone the new shaped chisel.
I have now setup that grinder with the Tormek bar to facilitate using the Tormek jigs for quick removal,

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD