The issue you get into with the more traditional DCs is that they don’t usually work well with smaller tools because they can’t create enough pressure. Anything under about a 4” dust ports and traditional low pressure DCs start to suffer…and you’ve got to pay attention to your ducting too. So, if you’re using ROS, hand routers with dust ports, whatever, you’ll need a high pressure system as well (read: shop vac). That’s the biggest reason I went with the supercell: it works with everything from my planer and jointer and table saw, all the way down to my ROS and Shaper Origin, all in one unit. That, coupled with the GRIT blast gates, means the entire shop is tied together through one system…and you can use whatever you want for ducting. Cheap drain pipe works great!

Of course to each their own (and price is a REAL thing) but, with the high pressure system, I have no problem with chips and very limited ‘floaters’ for the air cleaners to clean up…no matter which tool I’m using. If the table saw is the heart of the shop, the DC is the lungs…plan accordingly for your shop needs in the long term no matter which way you go. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".