Easy Dowel Alignment: (works for magnets and other small things that need to be aligned between two work pieces)

I use super small ball bearings (like 1/32” or 1/64”). If I know about where I want the dowel or magnet to be inserted on the work piece, I’ll put a small divot there with an awl, then tape the ball bearing into the divot with blue tape. Then I align the other work piece in its finished position and press the two together. This leaves a divot on each piece. I then use a brad point drill bit to drill the hole (or at least start it with a brad point and then finish with a twist bit if it’s a thin workpiece and I don’t want the brad head to poke through the other side or something). The end result is pretty much perfect alignment in almost any orientation. I use this for aligning magnets on project pretty regularly and it works great!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".