Pottzy, I think if we here, were unhappy with this site, we would move on.  There are plenty of other sites out there.   As an example, I sure anyone that has been on here very long, is very familiar with "The Patio".  Lots of chit chat, posts made that just agree with the previous posts, and small talk....but in there are very pertinent questions to the poster.  I for one, have asked many, many questions and got some great answers to my questions.   It is like sitting in a bar or restaurant with friends and asking a question about something to your friends.  You get good answers form your friends, whom you trust.  I have gotten some great cooking techniques, from those same friends on other threads.  Who is to say that this type of interaction is wrong or more than that, won't grow the site? 

There are those of us that live in great big towns, and those that live in small towns....both have some very valid points for being their choice of areas to live in.  Likewise so is the world of forums.  I prefer this size.  I dare any forum to outdo the quality of projects that are posted here. 

I am very guilty of taking breaks from the forum.  If someone grates on my nerves and I feel I am going to snap and say things that I ultimately will not be proud of, I take some time off.  But I always have the intent of coming back. 
 Our little community has its quirks, but so do all families.  Who here has not made fun of this or that family member, and who here would not defend this or that family member to outside people. 

Rich, I fail to see how the comment,  "While I know it will trigger some of the pantywaists out there, I'm going to chime in" can be taken any other way than a dig.   Possibly you should have put that another way, if you trying to be constructive in the long run. 

Martin, I think by the answers you have here, most of us are happy.  I know, I am.  You can not make everyone happy all the time.  Keep on, keepin on.....
