I wouldn’t worry about such talk. It comes from a place of not knowing that you have to interface with people to extract the knowledge they hold. This may seem like a foreign concept to anyone that grew up without the Internet (like myself), but the latest generations have access to digital libraries where no human needs to be present to extract all the knowledge one can stomach.

I read the comments about it being a social club and final reveals bereft of step-by-step instructions.

Those people talking about the weather are (at least to us) signs of life and the mere prospect that someone other than an AI can answer a question is better than a search engine. However to the person that made such comments, the opposite is true. They seek a repository of knowledge on woodworking and were dissatisfied when they found humans — talking to each other (or at least typing to each other, if we are pedantic).

What has become corrupt is the natural order of oral tradition. The invention of computers before the Internet and the development of the “database” changed our lives but when you go attaching all those databases to the Internet and make them publicly accessible, it spoils a generation and it’s no wonder why the current generation both lacks social skills as well as avoids social interaction (safe for the few being raised right — but those are far between).

I for one do not want to see Craftisian’s become a Thingiverse.

The fact that we have people to talk to is, I think, one of our biggest attractors.

My 2 cents.