Walnut Box for Rhoda


This Walnut Box is made according to the Wife’s specifications. 14”X 81/2”x61/2” and it needed more than four sides.. We did agree on one thing – the grain of this piece didn’t leave room for any inlays on the case of the box….. The inlay on the lid is Peruvian Walnut with the name in Maple…I thought it really needed a tray or even two, but the specifications came into play at that point….The barrel hinges were a first for me…and it was a good thing that I tried them out first, because on the first box (a maple thing that will not be seen on this or any other site) one hinge was inset 1mm deeper than the other. I couldn’t believe how far off that lid was from fitting correctly. But then I’m here to learn. Barrel hinges and latch and knob hardware are from Lee Valley. Finish is several coats of rattle can, Deft Lacquer.


Well done, team!
Your trial box is a treasure, isn’t it — a great teacher. It should have a place of honour in your shop :)
Lovely wood, lovely design, lovely multi-sided (wow) box!

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Very nice box, and great job on those barrel hinges. I find I have lots of difficulty getting the mating bore holes lined up correctly. Looks like yours are dead on. Same with your miters. Very impressive!

Very cool! Great explanation and a job well done! I have not tried inlays as of yet, so you are way ahead of me in that! I promise, I will catch up!



Very nice box Bob. The inlay looks really crisp. I know how hard lettering is, not much room for error. I also like the wrap around grain.
Nice, really nice!


The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Great box I like the flow.
The inlay on the medallion must have taken some serious work…

Well done!

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

The inlay looks perfect. Love the proportions…The grain wrap and miters are spot on…well done !

Measure "at least" twice and cut once

Great box.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker