My Fave notebook

  • I love to make notes.
  • It’s nice to have a hard surface to write on.
  • I love the feel of leather.
    Put this all together and you get my favourite little notebook.

The leather is from the hide of a deer from Ricks hunting days. We ate the meat and tanned the hide.

Using the common note pad that you can get anywhere, (I purchased mine from Amazon), I used it as my pattern.

  • A thin piece of wood for the backing
  • holes through the wood, paper and leather (which was cut to wrap around the top of the paper)
  • screw fasteners to hold it all together
  • and a little “wood burning” on the leather for the design.

Simplistic and rustic is my style. And I love it.

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit


Great idea. I have note pads laying all over my shop,looks simple but easy to do

Retirement is not as easy as I thought it would be

If it wasn’t simple … well, yah, I wouldn’t be making it :)

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Very nice job MsDebbie. Love the calligraphy.


I also have no pads all over my shop I love the idea but I have no leather I’ll have to think outside the box on this one a little bit I do have some Naugahyde/Genuine artificial leather. Lol


Thanks Jack :)

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

David – “genuine artificial” … hahaha :)

I look forward to seeing your version

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Very good, Debbie…

I have been watching several youtube videos on LeatherWorking lately…
It all started when I searched for “How do I make a pistol gun holster?”…
The can of worms was OPENED!
I have watched videos from making simple Pouches, Notebook covers, wallets, to large Purses! Very interesting!

I think I’d like to make a Booklike notebook to hold various grocery & fast food Coupons…

Coloring/Dyeing… carving… cutting… gluing… stitching/sewing… sanding… and ON & ON… Almost like woodworking WITHOUT all of the Power or Hand tools… That can be done a simple table top! :) :D

Looks like a nice way to spend casual time when you want to do something DIFFERENT for a change…

Thank you!

Have Fun! ...


I have pads of paper all over the house and shop but can never find one when I want it! Your idea might make it easier to find . . . or make me more aggravated that I lost such a special one!


“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

Joe – oh those slippery slopes!
I think this new CRAFTISIAN Community is going to keep us busy!!

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

L/W – I have made a few of these so I can have them where I need them.

One I made with a little flap of leather at the top, that works as a pen holder … doesn’t look as nice but it’s convenient

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit