Shadow Box Style Puzzle Frame


A while back, I posted about the shadow boxes that I made for my wife, Selena. After those were done, she requested a frame, for the Turkey puzzle that she had put together. Since we have wild Turkey, here at The SnK Wildlife Reserve, she has started collecting Turkey stuff.

I designed the frame to match the design of the shadow boxes, although I didn’t make it as deep, or set the puzzle all the way back. Clear “plexi” for glazing, keeps the weight, and cost down. To attached the removable backing board, I went with “High Tech” keepers. Pop tops from beverage cans, rivet to the back, allow them to swing into a 1/8" wide groove that I cut in the four sides. Works like a charm, and didn’t cost me much.

Keith "Shin" Schindler

This turned out great keith

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker