Two walnut frames

Had a very unique walnut board and used a portion for two frames for family members.  My father-in-law passed away and one of the frames was for my mother-in-law with a picture of him from a few years ago.  The other frame will be for a family member as we took some group pictures when everyone was together.  

The grain was very challenging.  I almost gave up on the second frame but some sanding and shaping and it ended up being a favorite. Both are finished with Odie's Oil.  After these photos I added the plexiglass, pictures, and backer.  


First, my condolences to you and your family 

And, then, the frames, oh my. 
They are precious. I was surprised by the “stand up” feature. 

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Thank you - I am blessed to  be part of this family.  

These are small frames.  To allow them to be placed on a surface (side table, desk) I figure out a support rather than trying to build a separate stand.  No two are the same as I see what I have on hand.  Here are some others.

Glueup can be a challenge with the angles but painters tape works!
Those are nice and for a very cause will be a Blessing to mother-in-law. condolences to you and your family 

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

Oldrivers - thank you.

My mother-in-law really liked the it.  Have to get others ready to ship.  Made additional frames from birch and cherry. 
Nice, Barb! You’re becoming a framing monster! ;-)

May you have the day you deserve!

Dave - thanks!  Although I still often run into "issues" frames are small enough to get completed in a "reasonable" period of time.  Big projects can feel so daunting (e.g. Murphy bed that went on for months of weekends).
I really like your frames. One can never have too many frames. They make great gifts. Also a fantastic way to use up smaller pieces of wood from larger projects. You gave me a lot of new ideas.
MN - thanks.  I have lost count of the number of frames I have made over the years!  
Very nice frames, I like the way the back pieces are used to keep it standing. I may have to try that on some frames one of these days. Great job !!!   Mike
Mel52 - thanks.  Getting the right angle (and size) on the support can be an issue.  I had to redo one that was tippy (a bit of a challenge to not damage the frame).  
so sorry for your loss barb but happy to see you here.looks like a lot of jocks have jumped ship.frames are real nice.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Pottz - thank you.  

I'm still on LJ but am enjoying this site. :)

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