Craftisian Blogs

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Anyone have any suggestions for marketing, etc..... I've done both blacksmithing and wood crafting as a hobbyist for years in my spare time, but wa...
I just received this book via the Sept giveaway.  Not only is it loaded with a plethora of projects and plans, it is chalked full of woodworking in...
Post a project for a chance to win the book! Everyone who posts a finished woodworking, leatherworking or metalworking project during the month of...
During making the Buick Sedan I have made a lot of pictures and they will be used for this blog about the build process. This blog is mostly made i...
During making the Buick Sedan I have made a lot of pictures and they will be used for this blog about the build process. This blog is mostly made i...
During making the Buick Sedan I have made a lot of pictures and they will be used for this blog about the build process. This blog is mostly made i...
Post a project for a chance to win the book! Everyone who posts a finished woodworking, leatherworking or metalworking project during the month of...
Let's make September an amazing month, rich with showcased crafted creations.   Everyone who posts a new project at in September wil...
Craftisian Awards are back after 5 years. We held the latest "Giving the Gift of Boxes" Awards in January of 2017 with the 15 awesome entries. Now...
I have been wanting to make a wooden geared clock for some time now and I finally got around to buying some plans for one. I bought them from a Ger...
Dear friends, I am in the unfortunate situation that I have macular degeneration. I cannot see, wood, inches and centimeters anymore. Therefore I b...
I have just had the joy of teaching short courses in Traditional Wooden Boatbuilding and Wooden Boat Restoration.  Each course 5 days long at the B...