Craftisian Blogs

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 I have part of the Kreg Beaded Face Frame Jig (BFF), Minus the actual Jig. Just a beading bit and a notching bit. They are a fascinating way of le...
Before I started veneering, I came up with a concept for protective grills. Here's a rendering. Note the narrow frame on top and bottom, and the wa...
. Warning: boring content. ............ This is technical junk about a sequence of events that will interest people who want to try this technique...
As this blog is supposed to be about hand dyeing and not marquetry, I'll try to cover the cutting and assembly as quickly as I can. The method he...
Time to wind up this little blog about my venture into hand dyeing marquetry. Most of what's been covered here so far is also covered in the blog...
I have done a few dye projects since the last post to this blog but they have been small and not very noteworthy. I did however learn from them a...
The biggest and most dramatic new lesson I learned from the "Facets" project's dyeing was the huge dimensional movement that you can get when you...
Craftisian magic embeds got even more powerful. In addition to automatically turning a copy-pasted Youtube, Vimeo and Craftisian project link into ...
Well, the construction part of this blog is over such as it was, so it's time for a few shots of the finished boats. Again the differences will b...
Boys and Girls.   Another tip migrated across, that may save a few shekels for some.   It was first published at LJ on 28th, December, 2019.  Now...
Boys and Girls,   With the arrival of my new baby… [IMG_8043.png] he was a 100L quite baby boy… I remembered posting a similar topic on LJ back on...
2022: This blog is over ten years old and covers the build of my first chevalet. These links will update all the improvements: https://craftisian.c...