Craftisian Blogs

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  After finishing “the box” containing the windmill and the ditches I added the landscape using insulation foam. (PUR)[IMG_20210730_142921.jpg]  Th...
The next parts i'm going to make are the other two wheels and the break of the mill. [image.png] On page two there are some detailed drawings of th...
I received a commission for a cremation box, for the clients recently deceased dog.  There are plenty of pics, videos etc but wondering if anyone h...
[IMG_8875.jpeg] For this project, I chose some walnut and Burmese teak. The teak has some great chatoyance, a big color shift as you view it from ...
[IMG_8886.jpeg] Ok, time to decide on how you plan to attach the assembly to something to give it a life. I use a vacuum bag for veneering. That ...
I picked up this load of number 1 common wormy maple for my kids bunk bed project.  I was drawn to it because I like maple and, frankly, it was che...
[IMG_7711.jpeg] Just a quick and dirty project to use up some smalls and keep this organized when I’m doing something like this morning’s bench gl...
Well what do you know I just realised I could have done a Queen Anne Blog in a series of parts! Never mind this will be the last you subjects will ...
These are words I tell myself in the throes of the process: Any fool can put something together. It takes a special kind of fool to design somethi...
OK the frame of the small table was my next bling job I think I spent more time making a template  than what the actual profiling work took first...
as promised I played with QA legs today and added some bling. First up was a radius profile of the outside. Once I had the right height all the le...
It was evident that the rust present on this plane was mostly just surface rust. And I didn't really want to do a rust conversion because that woul...