My Workbench - My Best Workshop Buddy



A couple of pictures of my latest leg vise which is going to be installed on my bench and again this is a improved version .

This is my work bench which has become a passion since I finally got around to build one .The bench has gone through many changes which for the most part are innovations that I have developed like several styles of leg vise with the very latest shown in picture five and I will do a separate post on this as I have not installed it on the bench itself .
There is also the foot operated leg vise shown and a stool for taking a rest now and then .
If you look in my previous posts you will also find a tail and twin screw end vise which replaced the end vise shown in picture two .
Well its a long but happy story but a lot of satisfaction having done all this and this bench gets used daily and has become my favorite spot in the shop .


Sorry about the mess with the pictures but I could not get them in proper order.
I will do more parts of the blog and start from the beginning and finish with the latest vise once I have it installed on my bench .
By for now .


I have seen a lot of work benches your is the best good great job


Thanks Klaus!

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

That is just a great bench Klaus and the projects it facilitates are no slouches either!

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

What a workbench , has everything a guy wood need .


Too much good stuff in that bench to comprehend in just one visit.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.