MAKING A WOODEN GEARED CLOCK #7: Bits and pieces - Day 7


Cutting out lots of small items. Almost finished, with just the main weight and the small counter weight plus the pendulum arm remaining, plus a few more holes to drill. There will also be a threaded rod on the end of the pendulum rod to make it adjustable.

Day 7 Work
The pendulum bob components, spacers, pinion gears, escapement pallet, the cap for the winding barrel, the ratchet gear and it’s pawls, the hour wheel/dial and lastly the tops and the bottoms for the main weight. photo below

The pallet
This is attached to the upper end of the pendulum and each time the pendulum swings it alternatively stops and releases the escapement wheel to control the timing of the clock. Each time the escapement wheel is released the clock advances one ‘tick’ or second.

Similar to the escapement wheel, the tips of the pallet are fragile so I used the same cutting method on them as I did on the escapement wheel. I also had to make two of them to get it right. The damage first on is seen in the 2nd photo photos below

The project in a nutshell
As mentioned before, I plan to show you all the parts in one photo with labels identifying all of the different parts.

Thanks for reading !

Mike, an American living in Norway

You are doing an excellent job , I look forward to each up date .


Love the updates Mike, great work. Makes my head hurt because I wouldn’t know where to start.


Thanks Bruce and Jack.

Jack You start with a plan, buy the stuff on the materials list, glue the patterns on the plywood and cut out with a scroll saw. Lots of parts, but the same cutting work to produce them all. You will learn how the clock works as you produce the parts. I didn’t have a clue when I started, but now I know the names of the parts and what they do.

Mike, an American living in Norway

Thanks Mike for all the info. I think I will start one after the first of the year. I don’t know about you but I always try to keep three projects going at the same time so if I get stumped on something I can move to something else and come back later. Also if I work on only one at a time I tend to rush and get a little sloppy sometimes. When I feel that coming on I move to another. Anyway sorry for the rambling on, I can’t wait to see the completion. Thanks again.


Jack So right, we shouldn’t pressure ourselves into quick and sloppy work just to meet some self imposed deadline. It took me a long time to learn that. Folks almost never ask me how long it took to make something, but they do appreciate quality work. Your 3 projects at a time habit would probably overwhelm me and my rather small shop, but it seems a good idea if it works for you.

Mike, an American living in Norway